Alternative Security Measures Consultancy

Current EU and Czech legislation gives to aviation operators several possibilities to avoid unnecessary cost related to security by implementing alternative security measures.

However, without experience and detailed knowledge of EU legislation and Czech administrative procedures, request drafting and acceptance of security project by Civil Aviation Authority is  difficult and time consuming.

ICTS can help with the evaluation of your proposal, evaluate the possibilities on spot. We can also guide you through the administrative process or simply complete the process on your behalf.

Remark: to be offered without delay

Consultation in EU AVSEC Technical Equipment Certification

Intention of the European Commission for the close future is to establish common evaluation process for all technical equipment used in AVSEC operations in EU.

Although the certification costs are not insignificant, standardized process gives opportunity for Czech and other east european producers to enter onexclusive european AVSEC market.

Thanks to our expertise, ICTS can advise you on the chances of your security product and guide you through the certification process.